Tinnitus & Insomnia Part 2
Tinnitus & Insomnia How to change your way of seeing tinnitus in order to get a good night's to sleep and overcome tinnitus-related anxiety. Hi and welcome to…
Tinnitus & Insomnia How to change your way of seeing tinnitus in order to get a good night's to sleep and overcome tinnitus-related anxiety. Hi and welcome to…
A (personal) story by Frieder Kühne Every year the third of March marks world hearing day. The WHO estimates that 1 in 5 people have hearing loss and 1 in 4…
Besser Schlafen trotz Tinnitus Hey, meine lieben Sleepy Cats, dieser Blogbeitrag handelt vom Schlafen und Tinnitus, von dem wir alle wissen, dass es besonders schwierig sein kann. Vor allem ist…
Warum viele Guru Lösungen bei deinem Tinnitus nicht helfen- Und was du stattdessen tun kannst. Was tun wir, wenn wir an Tinnitus leiden? Sicher, man öffnet seinen Browser und…
Eine Playlist die Deinen Tinnitus Umarmt und dich relaxen lässt Hey Du, schön, dass du diesen Post gefunden hast In diesem Beitrag möchte ich mit euch meine persönlich…
A playlist that soothes your Tinnitus and let's you relax In this post I want to share with you my personally curated Tinnitus & Sleep playlist. I made this…
Don't think of a pink elephant Guest post by Jonathan Andreo This post was originally published on Medium by Jonathan Andreo. What Jonathan shares here, is exclusively his opinion and…
Why a lot of Guru help is hocus pocus - And what is scientifically proven to help instead What do you do when you suffer from Tinnitus? Sure, most…
Strategies for Shifting Attention Away from Tinnitus I know that it’s hard for many people to shift focus on things outside of tinnitus, especially at the start, when Tinnitus decides…
This is my story about tinnitus One morning at nineteen years old I woke up with a subtle, high-pitched ringing in my right ear. As I was born deaf in…