
Reducing Tinnitus Training:

Through our guided program we help you to reverse the effects of tinnitus, and ultimately, tinnitus fades into the background and you habituate. 

Whether mild or severe tinnitus, this strategy has worked for more than 500 people and it will work for you!

Join our Online Tinnitus Club today for only 97$ per month and get over 1000$ of material for free:

1. Our 2 day Tinnitus Retreat (Recordings of 5 hours) and individual tinnitus retreat worksheets. WORTH 249$
2. Our 8 week's course to tinnitus habituation (including detailed plans and exercises that help you reduce your Tinnitus over the next eight weeks. WORTH 249$
3. My Book on Tinnitus WORTH 29$
4. Our 3 basic tinnitus courses worth each 99$.

Weekly group coaching calls with me in which you get personal advice on how to implement this program for your success!! (included for free) usually a call of one hour is 99$

(Please note: This offer is only valid for the first 100 members, membership prices may increase afterward)

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